Antipsychotic combinations for schizophrenia: safe and effective?


Elena Marcus presents the findings of an updated Cochrane review on antipsychotic combinations for schizophrenia.

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Old side effects and old drugs; old side effects and new drugs


People using antipsychotic drugs like chlorpromazine and haloperidol get [anticholinergic] side effects such as blurred vision, dry mouth and constipation but the proportion of people experiencing these is not clear. Past surveys are very old indeed, small and not really proper surveys at all. Their results had been perpetuated for decades without verification. They were [read the full story…]

German cohort study finds no support for superiority of atypical antipsychotics in schizophrenia

It is possible that those who were disengaging from interventions such as medication were less likely to take part in the study.

Schizophrenia according to the NICE guidelines, is a relatively common illness and in the majority of cases takes a chronic course, requiring continued management and careful attention.  In the treatment and management of schizophrenia, antipsychotic medications – like olanzapine, quetiapine or clozapine – are the first line intervention. Antipsychotics can be loosely divided into “first-generation” (“typical”) and [read the full story…]