Molar incisor hypomineralisation: systemic associations

HSPM  Molar-Incisor hypomineralisation

This review of the systemic exposures associated with with molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) included 29 observational studies. VEry low quality evidence suggests that maternal illness, psychological stress, caesarean delivery, delivery complications, respiratory diseases, fever and childhood illnesses may be associated with MIH.

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Maternal depression associated with reduced breastfeeding and premature delivery


We often hear about postnatal depression, a well-recognised depressive episode in mothers occurring after the birth of their baby. However, 54.2% of women suffering from postnatal depression actually developed their depressive symptoms before or during pregnancy  (Burt and Quezada, 2009). Around 10% of pregnant mothers have depression and this number increases each trimester. Women are less likely [read the full story…]

The difference of a few weeks in the womb: do early-term infants have poorer developmental outcomes?

New born baby

Human pregnancy is considered to be full-term when it lasts between 37-42 weeks. Anything shorter is considered to be a pre-term birth and anything longer is considered post-term. Longer pregnancies can be a risk to both the mother and infant and so labour tends to be induced if a pregnancy goes on past 42 weeks. [read the full story…]

Low birth weight or preterm babies have an increased risk of personality disorders


Events that occur immediately before and after birth (perinatal factors) can often have a significant impact later in life. Research has shown that the risk of many mental health and neurological conditions (schizophrenia, ADHD, depression, autism and eating disorders) increases when complications occur around this time. However, there have been relatively few studies to date [read the full story…]

Premature babies have greater risk of serious mental illness


Preterm babies are three times more likely to be admitted to hospital for a mental health problem as an adult than normal term babies, according to a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry by researchers in the UK and Sweden. About 1 in every 13 children born in the UK are classified as [read the full story…]