Moderated online social therapy: relapse prevention for youth depression


Sarah Knowles looks at a next-generation social media-based relapse prevention intervention for youth depression, explored in an Australian qualitative study looking at social networking, safety and clinical benefit.

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Youth online discussion forums: how do young people support each other and what do they talk about?


Masters students from the ICH Child and Adolescent Mental Health course explore a recent qualitative study into how young people use the Kooth online discussion forum for emotional and mental health issues.

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How do young adults with diabetes or mental health problems engage with online health information?


Sarah Knowles explores a qualitative study of young adults’ perspectives on producing and consuming user-generated content about diabetes and mental health.

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Clinicians should consider referring depressed patients to Internet Support Groups, according to new RCT


It can be incredibly difficult to talk about mental health conditions like depression, both for the person going through the illness and the friends and family who are trying to offer support. We know that overcoming this fear and talking through mental health problems can be a real life-saver and this message runs through the [read the full story…]