Sealants for primary molar teeth


This Cochrane review of the effects of sealants compared to no sealant or a different sealant in preventing pit and fissure caries on the occlusal surfaces of primary molars in children. Nine small RCTs were included providing limited evidence of low to very low certainty.

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Palatally displaced canines: Procedures to promote eruption


This Cochrane review update of interceptive procedures included 4 RCTs to promote the eruption of palatally displaced permanent canines (PDCs) involving a total of 199 patients. The findings indicate that extraction of the primary canine man increase the the proportion of erupted PDCs but the evidence is very uncertain.

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Posterior crossbites – orthodontic treatments


This Cochrane review update of the effects of different orthodontic treatments for posterior crossbites included 31 RCTS eight of whihc were at low risk of bias. They found that for children iaged 7 to 11 years old), quad-helix and expansion plates were more beneficial than no treatment for correcting posterior crossbites.

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Tooth crowding in children: Which orthodontic intervention?


This Cochrane review of the effects of orthodontic interventions for preventing or correcting crowded teeth in children included 24 RCTs. A wide range of interventions were assessed typically is small single studies so the available evidence is of very low certainty.

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Lamotrigine in the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder

Lamotrigine, an anticonvulsant drug, is licensed in the United States for the maintenance treatment of bipolar I disorder and in the UK to prevent depressive episodes in bipolar disorder. Hashimoto and colleagues (2021) performed a Cochrane Intervention Review to explore whether lamotrigine is effective and safe compared to the most established maintenance treatment, lithium, and placebo.

Michael Ostacher critically appraises and summarises a recent Cochrane systematic review, which presents the latest best evidence on the efficacy of lamotrigine in the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder.

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Chemotherapy for oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer


This review of whether chemotherapy, in addition to radiotherapy and/or surgery for oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer, results in improved overall survival included 100 studies. the findings indicated some benefit only when used in a few specific circumstances.

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Early detection of oral cancer and oral potentially malignant disorders


This Cochrane review update of the diagnostic test accuracy of conventional oral examination, vital rinsing, light-based detection, mouth self-examination, remote screening, and biomarkers, used singly or in combination, for the early detection of OPMD or OSCC in apparently healthy adults included 18 studies.

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Which retrograde root filling material?


This Cochrane review update of different materials used for retrograde root filling in children and adults requiring retrograde filling included 8 RCTs. However the studies are all at high risk of bias so provide insufficient evidence for the benefits of any one material.

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Can psychosocial interventions help reduce parental substance use?


In her debut blog, Lilli Waples summarises a recent Cochrane Review on the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions to reduce parental substance use.

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Oral cancer – adjunctive diagnostic tests


This Cochrane review update was to estimate the diagnostic accuracy of index tests for the detection of oral cancer and oral potentially malignant disorders, in people presenting with clinically evident suspicious and innocuous lesions.

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